Thursday 28 April 2011

Lady Bay / Loch Ryan to Troon

There are days when sailing isn't really going to happen and today was one of those days. I woke to pretty glassy seas and clear blue skies. I seem to have the morning routine well sorted out and was on the move within half an hour of getting up. Hence we were moving just after 7am. Loch Ryan had provided a pretty good anchorage. I think we were anchored in sand and weed, but it all seemed to hold. The only problem with the anchorage is that you get the wash from a ferry every hour or two. If you're tired enough, this isn't too much hardship.

From Loch Ryan we basically motored all the way to Ayr. We then had a really nice little sail for an hour and a half before entering Troon Marina where my friend Royston met me. We've since done the shopping for the next week and had a nice meal at the marina restaurant. Scottsdale restaurant in the Marina building has a great atmosphere and the food was really good. I think we were a bit out of place as we were just talking about sailing and rock climbing. I for one looked like I had just stepped off a boat.

We have been talking about plans. We are both keen to get up to Skye and attempt the Cuillin ridge. We are also really keen to climb on the Etive slabs. Both these objectives would be a dream come true. If we do both of these things it looks like I will be dropping Stone off in Oban and then sailing Cervisia back to Belfast where I'll leave her for three weeks. There's still a long time to go until then.

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